Sarah Shook and the Disarmers bio
Unfortunately this show is Canceled due to travel issues around the Hurricane.
It’s obvious listening to Sarah Shook and the Disarmers’ clear-eyed, biting, and unafraid songs that integrity is the most important thing to the Chapel Hill, North Carolina country-punk outfit. “A lot of artists are in this industry for fame, recognition, and money but those things don’t mean anything to me.” says band leader River
Shook. “Songwriting is it for me. It’s the only real healthy coping mechanism I’ve ever had. It’s life-saving. I don’t care about any superficial things when I’m making a record.” On their resonant fourth album Revelations, out now, these raw and resilient tracks come first. Throughout, Shook’s death storytelling documents, regular people getting by and keeping on, all presented without filter or pretension.
Sarah Shook and the Disarmers’ new release, Revelations, is an Americana rock ‘n’ roll masterpiece. The band seamlessly blends alt-country, rock, punk, and outlaw country to create an album with no real weaknesses. As is always the case, there are standout tracks, but there isn’t a clunker on here.Mar 29, 2024
New Noise Magazine
On their new album, Revelations, Shook has grabbed the producer reins and paired their raw vision with what is by far the best set of songs they’ve written, giving this excellent live band an absolute must-own record.
Americana Highways

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