Billy Kemp
Song and music maker, Baltimore native and Nashville resident. Billy Kemp performs original songs and tunes, mostly roots music. Kemp is a multi-instrumentalist but is best known for his tasteful and inventive guitar playing. His latest self-released recording, Another Life, is “a sort of autobiographical collection, the songs are mainly centered around his growing up years in the Paradise neighborhood of Baltimore, yet despite this they are very much universal” says Alan Cackett, former editor of Maverick Magazine. An amiable and entertaining performer, Kemp’s songs and stories are both humorous and enthralling.
Promoter Note: Billy Kemp also played with Tommy Conwell and the Young Rumblers in the 90’s. You can see Tommy and the Young Rumblers on Saturday night at the festival too on the main stage in the convention center. Also Billy Kemp made one of my favorite albums of the 80’s, Nightwaves.
Photo by Kim Peery Sherman

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