Tellus 360

Tellus360 is an Irish Pub located in the heart of downtown Lancaster, PA, featuring a great selection of whiskeys, Irish beers, and local craft brews. Every inch of the building oozes history from the 100-year old Irish bar to the planetarium disco ball, from the green roof to games lounge.

Bands will be performing on the “Front” Stage facing King Street as well as the “Back” Stage located in the rear of the building.

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Venue Schedule

Artist Day Start End
The Kilmaine Saints Fri 6:15 PM 7:45 PM
Bywater Call Fri 8:15 PM 9:45 PM
Marcia Ball Sat 4:00 PM 5:30 PM
Eric Athey & The Newfield Five Sat 6:30 PM 8:00 PM
Grainne Duffy Sat 8:15 PM 9:45 PM
Vinegar Creek Constituency Sun 12:00 PM 2:00 PM
Billy Walton Band Sun 5:30 PM 7:00 PM